These docs are for v4.6. Click to read the latest docs for v2023.


Codecov API v1 deprecation in progress

Please use the Codecov API v2. Documentation can be found here.

The icicle graph exposes your project in a top down approach. The top slice is the entire project. Each child slice, moving down, is a folder leading to the files themselves. The size of each slice is the sum of the covered lines. The color is the based on that slices coverage ratio.

# tip of default branch
GET /gh/:owner/:repo/graphs/icicle.svg?token=:graph_token

# tip of branch
GET /gh/:owner/:repo/branch/:branch/graphs/icicle.svg?token=:graph_token

# tip of pull
GET /gh/:owner/:repo/pull/:id/graphs/icicle.svg?token=:graph_token

# specific commit
GET /gh/:owner/:repo/commit/:sha/graphs/icicle.svg?token=:graph_token
<object data="" type="image/svg+xml"></object>


Provide query arguments to customize the graph.
