Codecov API v1 deprecation in progress
Please use the Codecov API v2. Documentation can be found here.
Many Codecov responses include a totals object. The format of this object is outlined below.
"totals": {
"c": "70.00000", // coverage ratio
"f": 2, // files count
"n": 10, // lines count
"h": 7, // hits count
"m": 2, // missed count
"p": 1, // partials count
"b": 3, // branches count
"d": 0, // methods count
"M": 0, // messages count
"s": 3 // sessions count
In the case of comparing commits, a diff array may also be returned, It is defined as follows:
"diff": [
1, //files count
0, //lines count
0, //hits count
0, //misses count
0, //partials count
null, //coverage (null or number)
0, //branches count
0, //methods count
0, //messages count
0, //sessions count
null, //complexity (null or number)
null, //complexity_total (null or number)
,0], //diff
The coverage, complexity, and complexity_total values will be null
if the diff contains a lines count of zero.