Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.10


This update runs database migrations

This update runs a database migration to add a new column to the owners table. While no issues are expected to occur with this migration, we recommend ensuring you have recent database backups in place before upgrading to v4.5.10.

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.9


Important Changes in v4.5.9

v4.5.9 contains a few database migrations to improve performance and lay the groundwork for future Codecov features. While we expect these migrations to pose no significant issue during upgrade, we recommend ensuring you have a recent database backup before upgrading to v4.5.9.

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.8

This release primarily provides bug fixes and quality of life improvements for on premises users.

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.7

4.5.7 Changelog

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.6

v4.5.6 Changelog

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.5

v4.5.5 Changelog

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.3

v4.5.3 Changelog

Release Notes for Codecov v4.5.0


The 4.5.0 Changelog is Intended Primarily for Enterprise users

If you are a user, you are taking advantage of many of the below changes already, as these updates have trickled out to production over the past several months. Therefore, this changelog is meant to serve as a comprehensive collection of changes between 4.4.13 as it pertains to enterprise users.

Release Notes for Codecov v4.4.13

v4.4.13 Changelog

Release Notes for Codecov v4.4.12

v4.4.12 Changelog