Deploying with Helm
Codecov Helm Chart
A working kubernetes cluster
Helm configured with access to your cluster
Required services
A PostgreSQL v10+ server configured to allow connections from your kubernetes cluster.
A Redis server configured to allow connections from your kubernetes cluster.
An S3-compatible object store such as minio.
Additional configuration including the number of deployment replicas and their CPU and memory limits can be tuned by overriding values.yaml. See codecov/values.yaml for the available variables.
Adding the Helm Repository
helm repo add codecov
helm repo update
helm install codecov --values your_values.yaml codecov/codecov
helm upgrade codecov codecov/codecov
In the demo.yaml file are basic, non production, non secure deployments for the underlying services needed to run Codecov. This is meant for DEMO purposes only (such as a quick POC or to test this chart). If you use the demo for production... you are doing it wrong. We offer no warranty or guarantee of any level of service. Quick install for demo mode:
kubectl apply -f
helm install codecov-demo --values codecov/codecov
Updated over 1 year ago