Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the repository upload token found?

The unique repository upload token is found on the Configuration page of your repository, under General. You need write access to view this token.


For complete information on different types of tokens and when tokens are necessary, see the documentation.

How do I add new users to my repository?

For public repositories: Codecov uses GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab API's to authorize users. No setup is necessary.

For private repositories: Users will need a seat license to access. A "user" is anyone who authors a pull request or merge request on a private repo with Codecov coverage, or accesses advanced features on for a private repo.

These private repository users can be managed at:


Exception: if you are using our service through Github Marketplace, in which case you can add more users on your Github Marketplace page.

Do I need to setup a codecov.yml to get Codecov to function?

No, Codecov will work without a yaml under its default settings Please see the About the Codecov yaml page for further information on the default settings and how to configure the yaml further. ### What languages does Codecov support?

See Supported Languages

Will Codecov work with my CI provider?

See the List of CI Providers that work with Codecov out of the box, but all CI providers are able to be detected.

Additionally, you can read more about how Codecov fits in with your CI provider in the CI Provider Relationship ### Will Codecov work with my repository provider?

Codecov works with Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub; and supports each provider's on-premises offering through Codecov's Enterprise Cloud.

How do I change the user that posts pull request comments?

Yes Please see Team Bot .

Why are my commit messages and user avatars missing?

Please see Team Bot.

What's the difference between "codecov/project" and "codecov/patch"?

Project coverage represents the coverage percentage of the entire project in question, regardless of what code is changing. A project could be representative of an entire repo, or if you are using Flags or Components, the relevant Flag or Component.

Patch coverage represents the coverage percentage ONLY of the code that has been changed in the relevant pull request / merge request or commit.

  • Pull request patch coverage [Git-provider UI or Codecov UI] is the coverage of the changed lines comparing the head of the PR/MR to the base commit where the PR/MR branched.
  • Commit patch coverage [Codecov UI only] is the change compared to the previous commit on the branch.

How do I turn on "project coverage" checks and "patch coverage" reports on a Pull Request?

"Project coverage" checks and "patch coverage" reporting is not available for Private Repos on the Codecov team plan.

For public repos, open source projects, and private repos in orgs on Codecov's pro , enterprise plans or orgs running Codecov on Dedicated Cloud, please see

Does Codecov merge reports for multiple containers and/or CI providers?

Yes. See Merging Reports.

Can we group reports based on the type of tests?

Yes. See Flags.

Is there an on-premise version of Codecov?

Since being acquired by Sentry in late 2022, Codecov is no longer offering on-premise Codecov to new customers.

Codecov does have Managed Enterprise Cloud configurations available under its Enterprise plans. Please contact sales for more information.

Existing Self-hosted customers, please see Codecov Self-hosted docs.

Can I fail the CI build if coverage drops?

No. We use Commit Statuses too, and do not fail builds.

How does Codecov run the tests?

It does not run CI. Learn more.

How often do I need to upload coverage to Codecov?

You should upload code coverage, via CI, to Codecov on every commit in which testing is run.

Said differently, only uploading to Codecov on the merge commit or at the end of the pull request will not result in optimal performance of the Codecov product.

Codecov, in a sense, is recreating your Git tree via these commits and uploads, and is looking for changes in coverage along the branch(es).

Where are my other branches?

Codecov only shows branches and commits when content is uploaded to these resources. We are planning to show all resources and become more synchronous with your repository.

All pull requests sync up: merged, open, and closed. Our first step in to sync all references.

How does Codecov interact with my source code?

Please read

How is coverage calculated?

Each language may calculate coverage differently, but for the sake of consistency Codecov will calculate coverage percentage as:

round((hits / (hits + partials + misses)) * 100, 5) = Coverage Ratio

Note: Partials are considered a full miss, regardless of the number of branches hit or missed.

Where are all my commits/branches/pulls?

Codecov only shows commits that have uploaded coverage reports. Therefore, when you link a new project Codecov will be empty, with no content.

  • Branches will show up when a commit is uploaded on that branch.
  • Pull requests are synced, regardless of having a coverage report uploaded. The sync will occur upon the first pull request webhook sent from GitHub to Codecov.

Note that Pull Requests that do not have coverage uploaded for the base commit will not be viewable. In order to view coverage information for a Pull Request, by default, coverage reports must be uploaded for both the base and head commits.

Where are my older commits? (My project dashboard doesn't show any commit data in the line graph)

Codecov only shows commits that have uploaded coverage reports and are six months or less old.

If a repository has no commits younger than six months, the project's coverage line graph on Codecov can appear empty.

[Github Users] Why am I getting two Codecov comments on my PR's?

This is likely a team bot issue, which you can read here

Is there a discount for education organizations?

Yes! We offer full discounts for students via our Github Student Pack, even as part of a private organization!

For universities, boot camp, or other educational organizations, please send an email to [email protected] for access.


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