[Beta] Test Analytics

Codecov Test Analytics is currently in Beta. Have feedback? Drop us a line on Github at https://github.com/codecov/feedback/issues/304


Only JUnit XML test result files are supported at the moment

The only test result file format we support is JUnit XML at the moment. Most test frameworks support outputting test results in this format, with some configuration.

Each testing framework will have slight differences in the JUnit XML format it outputs, we'd like to support all of them.

If you receive an error message in your PR comment regarding a error parsing your file, feel free to open an issue here.

Test Analytics is a new set of features from Codecov that provides insights into the health of your test framework. It provides you with

  1. An overview of test run times and failure rates for all tests across main and feature branches
  2. A list of tests that your PR failed as a PR comment, along with a stack trace : enabling easier debugging
  3. A list of failed tests that are known to be flaky on main, that your PR failed, as a PR comment : enabling quicker retry and resolution.


  1. You're already set up with Codecov and are using the Codecov CLI to upload coverage reports to Codecov. Not doing this currently? Here's how to get set up with the Codecov CLI
  2. You're set up with a Codecov upload token (CODECOV_TOKEN).
  3. You're using a test runner that supports test results output in JUnit.

Set up using the action

1. Output a JUnit XML file in your CI

Here are some ways to generate JUnit XML when using the following common frameworks:

pytest --cov --junitxml=junit.xml -o junit_family=legacy
vitest --reporter=junit
npm i --save-dev jest-junit
JEST_JUNIT_CLASSNAME="{filepath}" jest --reporters=jest-junit
./vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit junit.xml

The above snippets instruct the framework to generate a file (junit.xml) that contains the results of your test run.

2. Add the script codecov/test-results-action@v1 to your CI YAML file

- name: Upload test results to Codecov
  if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
  uses: codecov/test-results-action@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}

This action will download the Codecov CLI, and upload the junit.xml file generated in the previous step to Codecov.

Your final ci.yml for a project using pytest could look something like this:

    name: Run unit tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Set up Python 3.11
        uses: actions/setup-python@v3
          python-version: 3.11
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Test with pytest
        run: |
          pytest --cov --junitxml=junit.xml
      - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
      	uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
          token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
      - name: Upload test results to Codecov
      	if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
        uses: codecov/test-results-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}


Ensure you're always uploading coverage and test results to Codecov - even if tests fail

If tests fail, your CI may stop there and not execute the rest of your workflow.

If this is the case, to make sure test results are uploaded to Codecov, you will need to add some configuration so that your CI will run the steps to upload to Codecov, even in the case of test failures.

For Github Actions, there are a couple of ways to do this:

Set up by directly using the CLI

1. Install Codecov's CLI in your CI

Here's an example using pip

pip install codecov-cli

The CLI also offered as binaries compatible with other operating systems. For instructions, visit this page

2. Output a JUnit XML file

Codecov will need the output of your test run. If you’re building on Python, simply do the following when you’re calling pytest in your CI.

pytest <other_args> --junitxml=<report_name>.junit.xml

pytest --cov --junitxml=testreport.junit.xml  // example

The above snippet instructs pytest to collect the result of all tests that are executed in this run and store as <report_name>.junit.xml. Be sure to replace <report_name> with your own filename

3. Upload this file to Codecov using the CLI

The following snippet instructs the CLI to to upload this report to Codecov.

codecovcli do-upload --report-type test_results --file <report_name>.junit.xml

Be sure to specify --report-type as test_results and include the file you created in Step 2. This will not necessarily upload coverage reports to Codecov.

4. Upload coverage to Codecov using the CLI

Codecov offers existing wrappers for the CLI (Github Actions, Circle CI Orb, Bitrise Step) that makes uploading coverage to Codecov easy, as described here.

If you're running a different CI, you can upload coverage as follows

codecovcli upload-process

This is also described here.

Go ahead and merge these changes in. In the next step we'll verify if things are working correctly.


Ensure you're always uploading coverage and test results to Codecov - even if tests fail

If tests fail, your CI may stop there and not execute the rest of your workflow.

If this is the case, to make sure test results are uploaded to Codecov, you will need to add some configuration so that your CI will run the steps to upload to Codecov, even in the case of test failures.

For Github Actions, there are a couple of ways to do this:


  1. You can inspect the workflow logs to see if the call to Codecov succeeded. Specifically you're looking for

  2. Any new PR comment with Coverage information will show the following message if Codecov has received a test report

  3. After Codecov finds a failed test on a commit, you can see that the Codecov PR comment has changed


Flags should be attached to your test results uploads if you are running the same test suite in multiple environments. For example if you run your python tests once for each of the last 4 python versions that you want to support.

When using the action

You can provide a comma-separated list of the flags you want to attach to the flags argument of the action:

- name: Upload test results to Codecov
  if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
  uses: codecov/test-results-action@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
		flags: flag1,flag2

When using the CLI

You can use the --flag option multiple times to specify the flags to attach:

codecovcli do-upload --report-type test_results --file <report_name>.junit.xml --flag flag1 --flag flag2


Tests Tab on the Codecov UI

You can navigate to the Test Tab on the Codecov UI to find key metrics for your tests. By default, Codecov will pull results for the configured default branch.

Codecov also has Test Analytics for all branches - you can load those in by selecting the appropriate branch from the Branch Context tab.

You can sort by Average run duration, failure rate and commits failed.

Custom reports

You can create custom reports using the Test Results API

Data Retention

We currently store test results on Codecov servers for 60 days.


  1. Ensure your CODECOV_TOKEN is set
  2. Ensure your coverage file is being generated.
  3. Ensure your tests result file is generated correctly and is in xml.
    1. By default, Codecov automatically scans for files matching the *junit.xml pattern. If you're using the Test Results action you can instruct Codecov to look for a different pattern or glob using either the file or files parameter.
    2. Our test results parser expects the following fields to be present. Here's typically what a report that is processed successfully can look like
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <testsuites name="jest tests" tests="2" failures="2" errors="0" time="1.007">
          <testsuite name="undefined" errors="0" failures="2" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-02-22T19:10:35"
              time="0.955" tests="6.4">
              <testcase classname=" test uncovered if" name=" test uncovered if" time="5.4">
              <testcase classname=" fully covered" name=" fully covered" time="7.2">